Prices for Retro Flash

Here you will find the prices for Retro Flash. There is no differentiation between prices for climbing gyms and user profiles, this especially means that there are no monthly membership feed for climbing gyms!

  1. Creating a user/gym account: free of charge
  2. Setting up your first wall(unlimited resets): free of charge
  3. Additional walls(unlimited resets): 9.99€ per wall
  4. Activating rules for circles(for one user profile): one time 5€
  5. Upgrading a wall(wont be taken over to a new image or reset of the wall): 99.99€

These prieces can vary depending on the location and store(AppStore or PlayStore), please understand that we don't have a lot of control over those factors.

If you have any questions, you can always reach us on instagram


or per e-mail at